FOX Comedy Night 11/25 + Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Happy Thanksgiving day to anyone who celebrate it today. Last year I wrote I post on the best Thanksgiving episodes and you can find it here. Today, though, we’re gonna talk about New Girl “Thanksgiving IV“, The Mindy Project “How to Lose a Mom in Ten Days” and Brooklyn Nine-Nine “USPIS“.

New GirlThanksgiving IV 

Souce: hypable

As Schmidt told us in season one Thanksgiving is the most sexy holiday of the year, so what a better occasion to turn it into Bangsgiving? It’s basically like a Secret Santa: everyone picks a name and finds a date for that person. Nick picks himself so he brings Tran, Jess picks Winston and brings to the loft the lunch lady from her school (which happens to be Shauna Malwae-Tweep from Parks and Recreation), Schmidt picks Cece and brings to the loft Geoff, which we get to see only for a few minutes, and Winston picks Coach and chooses for him a strong police academy lady. Coach picks Jess and he invites Ryan because he doesn’t believe he shouldn’t be with Jess.

It was a weird episode, but way better than the past two Thanksgivings we had on New Girl. The thing I like the most is that they are working on Nick’s character development and my guess is that by the end of the season is gonna be more mature and he’s gonna try to win Jess back, but I could be wrong. I was not so crazy about Coach and Winston being picky with their girls because they seemed really nice, but in the end they sort of explained everything and tied it up nicely so it’s okay. I really, really like Jess and Ryan and I think it’s because Julian Morris is amazing and has this strong British accent that makes me forget everything that is going on whenever he speaks, but I’m also curious to see where his relationship with Jess is going, because now comes the hardest part.

The Mindy ProjectHow to Lose a Mom in Ten Days


Don’t get me wrong, I love Annette Castellano, I love how believable it is to make her appear in every episode because she has a strong relationship with Danny, but I’m a bit tired of seeing her now and I would like to take a break. That’s just my personal opinion, but I’d like to see more of Mindy and Danny alone dealing with their issues instead of Mindy, Danny and his mother dealing with her issues. I’m also not so pleased by Morgan and Tamra breaking up either, since we never actually got to see them together and, to be honest, their break-up felt a bit like a pretense to do the “Annette is dating story line” which was not worth it. So this week’s episode was a miss for me, even though I have to admit that I really enjoyed the cold opening with Mindy and Danny in the bathtub and Beverly randomly unhusking a corn cob in the office. They should give her more space, I’ll never get tired if saying that.

Brooklyn Nine-NineUSPIS

source: wegotthiscovered

I’m afraid I was not so pleased with Brooklyn Nine-Nine either. This episode was a clear filler with a guest star from the good old The Office and nothing more. I didn’t like the episode and that has probably something to do with the fact that I don’t like Ed Helms, because I always associate him with the worst episodes of The Office, the ones in season eight, where he was the boss. He has lost all the fun to me after those dark days and that translated also on “USPIS“. So the main story line was a bit of a fail for me and the other one, involving Amy trying to quit smoking, was at the very best OK. I read, though, that next week’s episode is supposed to be really big and develop the whole Jake and Amy dynamic further, so I will forgive Brooklyn Nine-Nine for this not so great episode and patiently wait for next Sunday.

Have you watched any of those episodes? What do you think ? Feel free to tell me in the comments, I’ll be more than happy to read them.

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